How I Became An Expert on Flooring

How to Choose the Best Floor Finish

Because they get so much traffic everyday, your floors require a finish to protect them from weathering and damage. Your choice of floor finish will have a significant impact on how your floor looks and function. A good floor finish like MultiKote Swedish Finish will not only make your floor last longer, it will also make your floor look more attractive, enhancing the color and texture that you see everyday. However, the wrong one won’t do a single thing, except waste your money. For this reason, make sure that you choose the right one that suits not just your needs and budget, but also the kind of flooring you have.

Here are some of the most important things that you need to remember if you are looking for the best floor finish.

First, for hardwood floors, you can choose between oil-based or water-based polyurethane. The former contains substances that will protect your hardwood floors and ensure a durable finish that won’t take too much to maintain. Re-coating is also quite simple to do, and even after several coats have been applied, your floors will still look their best, with an appearance that eventually mellows after some time. The latter creates a clearer non-yellowish finish. After application, the finish will be very durable, non-combustible, and moisture-resistant. In fact, this finish is often used for industrial and commercial applications before of how durable it is.

Second, for something a little more unexpected, try out certain stone finishes. You have several options to check out. For instance, granite is a popular choice that is very strong, and resistant to acids and abrasion. It can also be polished to such an extent that will create a very mirror-like smoothness. Marble, another example, is perfect if you are looking for something that looks extremely attractive. It may not be as resistant to abrasion and acids and is softer compared to other types of finishes, but it does offer more flexibility in terms of color and translucency. Another type that you might like is sandstone, which is resistant to abrasion and is perfect for outdoors uses.

Third, always choose the floor finish that has excellent durability, especially in those areas of your home that sees a lot of traffic. Some examples of these high-traffic areas are the stairs, entryways, and the kitchen. These areas require a more durable finish to ensure that they retain their aesthetic and won’t look worn out or damaged over time. Ceramic or porcelain tiles as well as hardwood can be great options for these places. Compared to laminate floors, vinyl, and carpet, they won’t easily get ripped out, scuffed, or worn out.

Finally, choose a floor finish that won’ take you too long to install. Of course, you can always choose a professional to handle all the work for you, but if you’re going the DIY route, make sure that you have the skills and the experience to finish the work all on your own.

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