News For This Month: Conservation

Understanding the Threats to the Gray Wolf and the Importance of Reestablishing them Into the Ecosystem

The domesticated dogs happen to be a love for many who keep them in their homes but this is not the case for their colleagues in the wild. Indeed it is a fact that for countless years on end, wolves and the entire canine family in the wild have really suffered enormous persecutions in the hands of man. The following is a look at some of the threats that actually do face the Gray Wolf that we need to be looking out for so as to save this friend from the wild the imminent threat of extinction.

And before we get ahead of ourselves, it is important to as well note the fact that there are sure benefits and reasons that make it so imperative to consider steps towards the reintroduction of wolves into the ecosystem. A good case in hand for elaborating on the benefits there are to the reintroduction of wolves in the ecosystem is seen in the case where they were reintroduced in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem in the year 1995. By then, there was only a single colony of the beaver in the whole park but following the reintroduction of the wolves, there has been seen an increase in the beaver colonies in the park, tenfold. By far and large, these are ideally the very noble missions and ideologies, the push factor and the drive behind the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project, Colorado that is basically a mission to help with the reestablishing of the wolf population there was in the Colorado rocky mountains. Check out the following now for an idea on some of the threats that happen to be facing the wolf population there may be left as of the day amidst us.

Talking of the threats to wolves in their population as of the present day and from days of old, the one of these has been the threat posed these friends from the wild by humans. Did you know that there was some point in time when there was an active effort by humans to eliminate these animals from the face of the earth, man actively eliminating wolves that they were nearly annihilated except that there was taken some unprecedented breeding program that saved the gray wolf from the extinction that faced it literally. What’s sad is the fact that even to the present day, the efforts to restore them back to their natural habitats are still being met with a lot of challenges and hurdles.

Over and above these, there has as well been the least when it comes to political will to have the lobo restored to its natural habitat and restored in the ecosystem which has as well been a sure bottleneck or dead end when it comes to the concerted efforts so far made towards the restoration and reestablishment of the gray wolf.

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