Tips for Choosing the Right Kitten
Keeping a kitchen is fun. Therefore when you decide to choose one for your family, you have the right one for your home. You need to choose a kitten that has a great personality and is also according to your lifestyle. Cats can live for up to 20 years. Therefore you are choosing a friend you can live happily with for a long time. Choosing the right kitten is not an easy task because there are different breeds to choose from. There are also many breeders, and you have to ensure that you get your kitten from the best breeders. When choosing the right kitten, consider the following,
First, think about the kitten’s age. A kitten should not be weaned before 12 weeks. Although in some cases, some cats have been weaned for eight weeks, experts’ advise you otherwise. A kitten needs more weeks before weaning for maximum social development. If the kitten is taken from the mother before the weaning process, they can develop troubling behaviours like sucking fingers or other objects in the house.
Consider your kitten’s personality. However, you may love a particular kitchen a lot. This alone is not enough for you to go ahead and select it. Looks alone cannot convince you to choose your kitten. It is important to watch how your kitten interacts and plays so that you can see its personality. Some cats feel sleepy after feeding; therefore, before you can pick your kitten, visit the litter so that you can see the kitten when active.
Always consider the health of your kitten. You can involve your vet so that you can be absolutely sure that the kitten is healthy. You will also avoid unpleasant surprises later. Some cats might be affected by intestinal worms, fleas, ear mites, among others; therefore, before you can adopt, you need to know what yourself getting yourself into. To check the health of your kitten, consider the following, the skin and coat. If the cat is healthy, it should have soft fur. The skin should be free of rashes. Be on the lookout for free infestation so that even if you go ahead and adopt the kitten, you will find the best solution.
Check your kitten’s body. The ribs should not be visible; check the belly; if it’s hard and swollen, then this is an indication that the kitten may have worms. If a kitten has a runny nose, sneezing and coughing, this could mean that it has a respiratory infection. It is treatable. However, it can spread to other cats. Do a dental check. The teeth should be white and pink gums. Red or pale gums is an indication that something is not right. Your cat should already be eating hard food by the time you are adopting.
Consider the breed. Each kitten has a unique personality. However, the breed can determine your kitten’s personality. Some breeds can have some health concerns. In such cases, the best thing is to consult with a veterinarian. Once you have brought your kitten home, ensure that you take great care health-wise and in all other ways.
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