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Keys To a Healthy Relationship
A relationship is a way that two or more people interact and also ho they are connected or the state of sharing a connection with someone. A relationship can be personal where people can be connected through marriage or by blood. There is also where a relationship can be professional and this is how you interact or how you feel connected to people at work. Relationships can take a turn whereby they become challenging and difficult. This can be because of some misunderstandings or friction as people are living together or working together. There are some experiences that cannot be erased and those are the ones that we have with our kids, siblings, and family and coworkers among other people. Once you disentangle, you keep all memories and sometimes you cannot get over it. Despite the misunderstandings and the rivalries, there are things that you can do to ensure that you come back from the misunderstanding and so that you can keep the relationship strong.
Therefore, to keep the relationship intact, there are some tips that you should consider to maintain. The following points are the keys to a healthy relationship. One is self-preservation. This is a state where you become aware when you are headed towards danger. This could be emotionally, mentally, financially or physically. In this case, you should not assume the red flags rather make sure that air them to your partner or your family to avoid the issues becoming bigger than they should be. You should not ignore your concerns and feelings.
You should also set some boundaries. Setting boundaries between those that you love is very important. Boundaries gather respect between people and hence with boundaries you are all aware that there are some things that you cannot do to each other. Sometimes it might feel like you are imposing rules on other people but it is those rules that will help you thrive. Setting boundaries is also a part of self-preservation. Identify the things that make you feel uncomfortable in the relationships. You can even go ahead to write them down and they can be a basis for you setting the rules. When you are making it known to other people, you can make it a positive conversation by making it precise. Boundaries will allow us to get rid of unnecessary miscommunications as well as brooding. You have the right to feel safe, protected and respected and hence never hesitate to say what bothers you.
Another tip to a healthy relationship is positive regard. Positive regard is very important to have been it at work, marriage or a partner relationship. This is whereby you feel like you matter even in your flaws. Everyone has his or her strengths and weaknesses. If you want to maintain a healthy relationship, you must maintain a positive look at the strengths as you iron out on the negatives so that you can have a healthier relationship. If you keep on looking at the negatives, the other person might feel like they do not matter and this may bring out conflicts and misunderstandings.

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